-Drill Team-
-Team Practices-Tuesdays and Thursdays
-Upcoming Events-Mechanicsville Combo Meet 1/18/2025
-Accomplishments-King George 12/14/2024
Unarmed Drill Basic: 3rd Place JFK Drill/Academic Meet 11/13/23 Armed Drill Basic: 3rd Place Loudoun County Combo Meet 10/14/23 Armed Drill Basic: 2nd Place Mechanicsville NS1 Meet 1/14/23 Individual Flag Folding- Cadets Hiciano and Martinez: 3rd Place Individual Overall- 2nd Place Inspection (UPI)- 2nd Place Squad- 1st Place Armed Standard- 2nd Place Overall- 1st Place Loudoun County Combo Meet 2/4/23 Inspection (UPI)- 2nd Place Unarmed Platoon Regulation- 3rd Place Armed Platoon Regulation- 3rd Place Overall- 3rd Place Area 5 Northern Regionals 3/18/23 Unarmed Standard- 3rd Place Inspection- 2nd Place Overall- 3rd Place |
Drill Commander: C/ENS Marissa Simpelo-Dyer
The Drill Team is about working together, being as one, and having a perfect bearing since we represent the NJROTC of Brooke Point High School. The Drill Team practices with standard-issue Springfield 1903 model drill rifles and ourselves. When practice starts, we will learn basic movements like left face and right face. As we continue to practice we will learn how to do more complex movements like a column of files. Each month we will have competitions that are combined with the PT Team and the Academic Team.